Reiki Reduces Depression.

Depression affects 350 million people worldwide - possibly more, because depression is still a stigma and people may be afraid to seek help. Since depression affects our lives it is important to practice good self care. Which can help you regain your balance and help you to feel hopeful and positive about the future.

      Studies have shown that Reiki can help reduce depression and anxiety by changing your mood. Reiki has been shown to change the negative mood and help one to feel more positive through regaining vitality and removing any energetic interruptions.
             Then, once your mood improves, your stress levels may decrease and you may also feel a little anxious. This, in turn, will help speed up your expressive journey.
             Research has also shown a significant decrease in depression and anger too. This can happen because of your mood improving from receiving the Reiki practice.
In case of depression Reiki should be given on Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra and Heart Chakra.
The 3 keys to heal Depression:
1. Movement (Body) : You must move physically - emotionally and socially to flow energy throughout your existence. When this energy is increasing, you will find it very difficult to live in depression.
2. Mind Focus (Mind) : Is your glass half full or half empty? Changing your attitude allows energy to move. The more your mind turns to something that is negative, the more you suppress your emotions.
3. Meaning (Soul) : To find meaning in your life, you need to give and share what you have, and look beyond your world, see the bigger picture, and get what you need.
“When emotion is blocked continuously, depression results.
When emotion is given an outlet, we have expression.”


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